With your help, we’ve protected over 25,000 acres of Bog for future generations!

Last Field Trip of the Summer

July 13, 2012 Category:

Well…Technically the ONLY field trip of the summer! But we hope to change that for next year. Six intrepid souls (How “intrepid” do you have to be to go birding on a gorgeous July day??) joined Erik Bruhnke for a half day of birding and butterflying around Sax-Zim on Saturday July 7th. Sure, bird song has slowed down, but there was still plenty to see and hear in the bog.

Erik relates the details: “Some of the special highlights included seeing a Sharp-shinned Hawk zip through the trees with a little prey item of some sort in its talons. We were treated to two Black-billed Cuckoos; both were heard, one was seen. We got to hear several Le Conte’s Sparrows, and even got distant looks at one in a field just west of Hwy 7. By the way, there are at least 4 Le Conte’s Sparrows between the intersection of Hwy 7 & Arkola, and Hwy 7 & Sax. I’ve never observed them in such great numbers before! Although birdsong is becoming quieter as time goes on, warbler activity is still present; with immature birds becoming more present. We heard 1 Magnolia Warbler and 3 Canada Warblers. The good ol’ Dickcissel along Sax Road (near the intersection of Hwy 7) was out and about, singing his heart out when we were around. It was a terrific day of birdwatching!”

Thanks Erik!

This event was free to Members of Friends of Sax-Zim Bog. We hope to sponsor more field trips this fall and winter.

Dickcissel in flight by Erik Bruhnke.

This is an irruption year with many being seen and heard in the Sax-Zim area.
