120 acres
Activities at this tract:
Birding, photography, botanizing, hiking, and snowshoeing. There is no trail flagged at this property or marked trails. Hiking and exploring can be done from the ditch berm along the north boundary of the property.

Species of Interest:
An initial survey of plants has been done at this property, finding Pink Ladyslipper, Heart-leaved Twayblade, a number of moss species, as well as the property namesake American Starflower! The most exciting species found at the property so far include the Jumping Spider Paradamoestas fontanus (MN Species of Special Concern) and the formerly listed Jumping Spider Marpissa grata!
This property features a nice sedge meadow and fairly dry Black Spruce and Tamarack bog.

If you do explore this property and have some interesting sightings email Head Naturalist Clinton at naturalist@saxzim.org with your report.
Roadside parking only.
Signage not yet placed on property. Mock-up of the sign included below. Property boundary markers to be placed soon.

The property is located south and west of the intersection of Correction Line Road, Cty 29, and Owl Avenue.
From the Welcome Center: Head south along Owl Avenue until the road curves east. The property’s north boundary is along the east stretch of road, extending to the intersection with Cty 29. From Hwy 133: Head west along Hwy 133 to Cty 229. Head north on Cty 229 until you reach the intersection with Correction Line Road. The property’s eastern border extends south from this intersection.

Property Namesake:
This property has quite a long name. Officially, this property is named Starflower Bog: Remembering Henry David Thoreau Naturalist, Philosopher, Abolitionist, and Minnesota Tourist. The plant namesake for this property, American Starflower, is quite a common understory species in much of the Northwoods. It is happy in bogs, upland forests, and especially shady habitats where it is not too wet. The human namesake for this property is perhaps a familiar name to folks who are interested in ecology, philosophy, and early environmentalism in the United States. Henry David Thoreau’s works were primarily written in the mid-1800’s, with Walden being one his most well known works.

Donor Notes:
Many thanks to Gordon Andersson for his generous donation to acquire this property! Gordon is a serious student of Henry David Thoreau and shared one of his favorite quotes with us:
“When, formerly, I have analyzed my partiality for some farm which I had contemplated purchasing, I have frequently found that I was attracted solely by some few square rods of some impermeable and unfathomable bog— a natural sink in one corner of it. That was the jewel which dazzled me. I derive more of my subsistence from the swamps which surround my native town than from the cultivated gardens in the village.” —Henry David Thoreau “Walking”