This boardwalk made possible by a very generous donation from Friends of Sax-Zim Bog “Bog Buddy” Jose Arrieta. He dedicated it to the memory of his father-in-law John C. Gale.

Construction on our newest boardwalk being in the fall of 2022. Due to a shortage of tamarack lumber, only the first 200 feet of this boardwalk has been completed, with the remaining 300 feet of boardwalk to be finished during mid-summer 2023. This boardwalk is accessed from the Welcome Center (link to page) and will connect Gray Jay Way and the main Welcome Center Trails by traversing through the stunted black spruce and tamarack bog north of the Welcome Center. This habitat is especially interesting in summer as species like Palm Warbler, Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, Lincoln’s Sparrow, Dark-eyed Junco and Canada jays make it their home. You will be able to view Pitcher Plants and Sundews without getting wet feet from this unique boardwalk and trail experience.

Boardwalk Length:
500 feet with access to Gray Jay Way and Welcome Center trails.
Activities at tract:
Hiking, birding, photography, naturalist activities. Bird Feeders at the Welcome Center property in winter.
Address- 8793 Owl Avenue, Meadowlands, MN
Trailhead- Accessed from Welcome Center Trails here: 47.145465, -92.726690
From Cotton, MN/Hwy 53: Head west on CR52/Arkola for 11 miles. Turn left (south) from Arkola Road to Owl Avenue. Continue south 1.75 miles past the second curve to the Welcome Center, which will be on your right.
Directions from south end of the Bog: From Hwy 53 head west on Cty 133 toward Meadowlands. Continue on Cty 133 across Hwy 7. You will cross the Whiteface River and west of the crossing you will find Cty 229/29. Take a right and continue north to a T in the road at Correction Line Road. Take a left here and continue around the corner, where the road changes names to Owl Avenue. Continue north for about 2.5 miles to the Welcome Center.
Parking available at large parking lot at Welcome Center.