Save the date! 13th Annual Sax-Zim Bog BioBlitz is scheduled for Saturday, August 9th, 2025.
12th Annual Sax-Zim Bog Bioblitz!
Saturday August 24, 2024
Friends of Sax-Zim Bog has made this an annual summer event. In it’s 12th year, the BioBlitz continues to grow with the addition of new field trips and experts, documentation of species in new areas of the Bog, and increased attendance by naturalists and curious outdoors folks alike.
The concept of a bioblitz started a couple decades ago…and for a noble but bittersweet reason; teams of biologists (ornithologists, mammologists, botanists, lichenologists and so on) were sent to tracts of rainforest jungle that were on the verge of destruction; their mission was to record every living species and every bit of natural history they could before it was lost to humanity forever. The concept evolved in North America to become an educational event where the public can go in the field with a specialist in any one of many disciplines and record what they find and learn about it at the same time.
We have put a spin on the bioblitz concept by adding two very important elements: Education and Sharing our Discoveries! All leaders share information about the species targeted on each field trip and in turn, we all get to learn about what folks found interesting and exciting during the compilation at the end of the day. These two items (and our excellent field trip leaders!) make for a very enjoyable and educational day!
*** NOTE: Field Trips are subject to change and will be updated up until the day of the event! ***
Friday, August 23
8:00 pm– BioBlitz Moth and Nighttime Creatures Field Trip start at Welcome Center (REGISTRATION REQUIRED)
Saturday, August 24
6:30- 9:00 am– BioBlitz Bird Field Trip (meeting at Wilburt Cafe Parking Lot by 6:30 am; REGISTRATION REQUIRED)
8:45- 9:00 am—Please arrive by 9am at the latest to attend the intro talk and pick your field trip.
9:15 am—Field trips depart (Please bring your own water/drinks, lunch, sunscreen/bugdope, boots, field equipment (if you want)).
12:00- 1:30 pm- Family Friendly Nature Hike begins at the Welcome Center
2:00 pm—Field trips return to Welcome Center for wrap-up and sharing.
2:30-3:30 pm—Wrap-up presentations and Species Compilation (All leaders will return with some critters/plants to share with the groups, basically show-and-tell for adults!).
Registration is now open! Registration is not required for this event, but is encouraged. Field Trip registration will take place prior to the BioBlitz start before 9 am.
Register for the BioBlitz here: 12th Annual Sax-Zim Bog BioBlitz
Register for the Moth and Nighttime Creatures Field Trip here: Moth and Nighttime Creatures Field Trip
Register for the pre-BioBlitz Bird Field Trip here: Pre-BioBlitz Bird Field Trip
Register for the Family Friendly Nature Hike here: Family Friendly Nature Hike
Confirmed LEADERS & TRIPS for 2024 Sax-Zim Bog BioBlitz
Sam Guida- Galls, Burls, and Non-Metazoan Plant Diseases Field Trip
Jonny Tostenson- Leafminers and Galls Field Trip
Kyle Johnson- Moths (Evening Field Trip)
Ariel Bonkoski- Fungi Field Trip
Tim Craig- Insects Field Trip
Clinton and Kristina Dexter-Nienhaus- Moths (Evening Field Trip); Butterflies and Beetles (Day Field Trip)
Haleigh Ziebol and Tanner Barnharst- Lichens Field Trip
Emma Ambrosi- Insects Field Trip
Bill Teft- Gravel Pit Biodiversity (Tiger beetles and general biodiversity)
Greg Cleary- Pre-BioBlitz Bird Field Trip
Kim Risen- BioBlitz Bird Field Trip
Chris Smith- Reptiles and Amphibians Field Trip
Lori Williams- Family Friendly Nature Hike
Murphy Steininger- Aquatic Biodiversity Field Trip
Jeff Fisher and Mike Moen- Dragonflies and Damselflies Field Trip
Previous Sax-Zim Bog BioBlitz Reports