Virtually Live Field Trips
We know that not everybody can make the trip to Sax-Zim Bog. It is a remote place in a vast country. But these “Virtually Live” birding/nature videos allow the viewer to experience the birds and wildlife of this precious area. Join Executive Director and Founder Sparky Stensaas on these adventures in the field!
Clinton’s Bog-ventures
Our Head Naturalist Clinton Nienhaus knows A LOT about A LOT of natural history subjects! Join him on these outings around the Sax-Zim Bog and learn the natural history of some critters you may not have even known about.
Clinton and his wife Kristina also visit some of our bog parcels. Their keen eyes don’t miss much…See what they find!
Clinton’s Critters
These longer form videos concentrate on one species (or a related group of species) for a more in-depth look. Clinton shares the amazing behaviors of some iconic bog species.
Archived Webinars
During the winter of 2021 most of our education was done online, through a series of webinars! This tab contains all of the webinars from the Winter Webinar Series and will be the future home for other recorded webinars.
Other videos
Some of our other videos including construction of the Bob Russell Bogwalk and an aerial tour of priority lands for our Owls & Warblers Critical Corridor Project.