Are you interested in an outreach event or program offered by the Friends of Sax-Zim Bog? This page is a great place to start to find out what programs or talks are offered by Friends of Sax-Zim Bog Staff, as well as the associated costs.
In the form above find notes on what talks or events are offered by Friends of Sax-Zim Bog Executive Director Sparky Stensaas or Head Naturalist Clinton Dexter-Nienhaus. Program topics vary in both duration and topic, and programs can be catered to your specific organization or group! A breakdown of expected program fees can be found below:
Program Fees
Standard Program Fee: $100 (general outreach and education programs)
Keynote Presentation Fee: Variable. Please fill out Program Request Form to begin fee estimation process.
Field Trips for School Groups (Elementary to High School): $100-$200 based on age group and duration of event
Field Trips for College Groups: $200-$250; cost may increase depending on duration and group size
Field Trip Fees for Groups/Professional Organizations: $200-$250; cost may increase depending on duration and group size
Program Travel Fee Considerations:
–No traveling fee for events at Welcome Center.
–For programs/events 60-149 miles from Duluth we request mileage at 25¢/mile round trip above program fee.
–For programs/events 150-249 miles from Duluth we request mileage at 25¢/mile round trip and lodging expenses (when appropriate) above program fee. All Twin Cities/Metro programs included in the above definition.
–For programs/events more than 250 miles from Duluth we request mileage at 25¢/mile round trip (if traveling to location by car), Airfare and Rental Care (if traveling to location by car), and 2 nights lodging above program fee.
Payment for programs may be done online or in-person. Please make checks out to Friends of Sax-Zim Bog. Payments by card may be done online via the Donation Portal or in-person at the Welcome Center.
If you have questions about the form or questions about the experiences offered, please email Head Naturalist Clinton at OR Executive Director Sparky at depending on the program of interest.