Storm Damage to Warren Nelson Memorial Bog
Dozens of large spruce toppled by early July storm
Sadly, the windstorm of July 5th toppled many huge spruce that border Blue Spruce Road in the Warren Nelson Memorial Bog. Clearcutting of the bog immediately west of Blue Spruce Road allowed the winds to decimate our beautiful stand that bordered the road.
This damage has forced us to reconsider the location of the future parking pad and feeders. We now may put those in the spot hardest hit by the winds. Salvage logging will remove the jumble of wind-tossed trees and make an excellent spot for the parking pad.
It will likely cost about $5,000 to construct the parking pad and feeding station. Can you help us get there?
This is the spot where the feeders were last winter (note 4×4 post). The spot is nearly unrecognizable as all the big Black Spruce were toppled. This may be the site of the new parking pad.