Professional Wildlife Photographer Visits Bog
Melissa Groo shoots with Sparky
Promotion of future “Bog Birding Trail”
Friends of Sax-Zim Bog’s Welcome Center and bog tracts will be Stop 1 on the future Bog Birding Trail that will loop from Sax-Zim to Big Bog State Recreation Area (and their 1-mile Bog Boardwalk) up to Beltrami Island State Forest and Camp Norris. This will be a driving loop that will connect dozens of birding/photography sites in north central Minnesota. The theme for the tour will be bogs and peatlands and their amazing biodiversity. Hopefully this project in cooperation with the MN DNR and many other organizations will launch in a couple years. Stay tuned! See more of Melissa Groo’s photos on her Facebook page or at her website at Thanks for spending some time with us Melissa!
Melissa Groo photographing her lifer LeConte’s Sparrow along Stone Lake Road.
“Shooting” Connecticut Warblers with a 600mm f4 lens. Another lifer for Melissa!
Connecticut Warbler deep in a bog along Admiral Road
Lori Naumann of the MN DNR photographs Black Bear tracks. We saw the bear cross the road but it didn’t stick around to get its picture taken!
Lori Naumann (left) and Melissa Groo in the Sax-Zim Bog