Over $50,000 given on GTMD 2022
THANK YOU ALL… for your humbling response on Give to the Max Day 2022! It means so much to us that you believe in our Mission to Preserve and Protect the Greater Sax-Zim Bog.
We ended up in 10th place overall for medium-sized nonprofits in Minnesota, 5th overall in Northeast Minnesota, and we won a $500 Golden Ticket. Our total was over $23,000 given by 256 donations but we also received a $25,000 GTMD gift yesterday from Kelly Larson and Carl Newman, which puts us over $50,000 donated during the entire GTMD week. Wow!
We are looking forward to putting this money to good use… More land purchases, new interpretive displays, educational opportunities for visitors, hiring excellent staff, etc.
Have a great day and see you in the Bog!

Join us for 18 DAYS IN THE BOG!
Our “Bog Buddies” continue to astound with the support they give during Give to the Max Day! As of 11 am this morning, we have received $21,552 in donations from 233 different donors on our GiveMN page!!! This total doesn’t include all of the additional donations through our website or through the mail. We maintained a position in the top 15 for non-profit organizations all day, and eventually landed in the top 10 for donations in Northeastern Minnesota!
The support of our “Bog Buddies” through donations, contributions of time, expertise during BioBlitzes, or simply telling others about this magical place means the world to us as an organization. Without you all, we couldn’t make our mission of supporting, promoting, and protecting the Sax-Zim Bog a reality!
We hope you enjoyed our posts during the lead up to Give to the Max Day! Stay tuned for upcoming posts regarding winter webinars, field trips, and BioDiversity Thursday posts!

** DAY 18–Give to the Max Day is TODAY! **
SPECIAL GTMD SURPRISE… LORI’S BOG BAR RECIPE REVEAL! Board Chair Lori William’s Bog Bars have been a fixture at FOSZB events for years. And now she is pulling back the curtain to reveal the secrets of these Yummy treats!We hope you can make your own Sax-Zim Bog traditions and lasting memories. Friends of Sax-Zim Bog is trying to make everyone’s Bog experience as good as it can be.
Thank you for joining us on this 18-Day’s in the Bog journey…and thank you in advance for giving today, November 18. Every dollar helps us in our mission to Preserve & Protect the Greater Sax-Zim Bog for future generations of birds and birders. Links here: https://www.givemn.org/organization/Foszb and here: https://saxzim.org/give-to-the-max-day/

With funds given by all of you, our Bog Buddies, to the Acres for Owls Land Fund, we will now be able to close on two huge land purchases. These historic purchases will secure prime Black Spruce/Tamarack Bog as a Forever Home for many of our most sensitive bog birds. We are soon set to close on 3200 acres, which will be under a permanent conservation easement, And then in late 2022 we will be securing 1010 acres of prime Tamarack Bog along the Miracle Mile of McDavitt Road and which will include the densest cluster of declining Connecticut Warblers in Sax-Zim.
Please help us continue land purchase into the future as we try to connect these parcels into our Owls & Warblers Critical Corridor Project. Every dollar helps us in our mission to Preserve & Protect the Greater Sax-Zim Bog for future generations of birds and birders. Links here: https://www.givemn.org/organization/Foszb and here: https://saxzim.org/give-to-the-max-day/

2022 Bog Wild Calendar, t-shirts, stickers & more! https://saxzim.org/shop/
You can also schedule your Give to the Max Day gift NOW! Every dollar helps us in our mission to Preserve & Protect the Greater Sax-Zim Bog for future generations of birds and birders. Links here: https://www.givemn.org/organization/Foszb and here: https://saxzim.org/give-to-the-max-day/

Well, not yet, but we are taking step one this winter when Avian Ecologist David Yeany II will be coming to Sax-Zim to put geolocators and cell trackers on some of our Welcome Center Evening Grosbeaks. It will be exciting to see where these birds are coming from and where they breed. Stay tuned!
Thanks to all who support our Science & Research Fund for Friends of Sax-Zim Bog (there is a box you can check on our Donate page (click the “Give your Gift” or “Donate” tab at www.saxzim.org) You can also schedule your Give to the Max Day gift NOW! Every dollar helps us in our mission to Preserve & Protect the Greater Sax-Zim Bog for future generations of birds and birders. Links here: https://www.givemn.org/organization/Foszb and here: https://saxzim.org/give-to-the-max-day/

Each year we support local residents through our Good Neighbor Fund (details on our website). Recipients include Mary Lou’s feeders, Larry’s feeders and various school groups who have brought their classes to the Bog. This post is highlighting Scott Simek’s project that was funded in part by the Good Neighbor Grant. If you’re looking for another place to experience the Bog up close, check out Simek & Sons Wilderness Walk. The parking pad is between 8731 and 8777 Poplar Road (and shown on our 2022 Birding Map), the trails loop for over a mile with scattered bird feeders. The full loop takes over an hour to do but you can just do smaller loops if you want (NOT OPEN UNTIL DECEMBER). Stretch your legs on a winter day and explore this unique area.
Giving to FOSZB is also giving to the local residents and regional economy. You can schedule your Give to the Max Day gift NOW! Every dollar helps us in our mission to Preserve & Protect the Greater Sax-Zim Bog for future generations of birds and birders. Links here: https://www.givemn.org/organization/Foszb and here: https://saxzim.org/give-to-the-max-day/od

We are thrilled to be open this winter and our naturalists can help you make the most of your visit! Open 10am to 3pm Daily until mid March (except Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and blizzards). Masks are MANDITORY inside the building; Only SIX visitors allowed inside at any one time.
TWO outhouses available this year! Experience the new “LOOV-RE” the World’s Only Outhouse/Art Gallery! Over TWENTY feeders on site.
Your DONATIONS to Give to the Max Day will help us hire and retain our fantastic staff of Naturalists. Thank you in advance for your donation, and See you soon! You can schedule your Give to the Max Day gift NOW! Every dollar helps us in our mission to Preserve & Protect the Greater Sax-Zim Bog for future generations of birds and birders. Links here: https://www.givemn.org/organization/Foszb and here: https://saxzim.org/give-to-the-max-day/

As a unique fundraiser, we are hoping you, our Bog Buddies, can help us find artists who are willing to donate a “tiny canvas” of bird art. This year, our Tiny Bird Auction entirely online. These original works of art will be featured on our website from when we receive them until when the Online Auction begins on January 27, 2022. Money raised from the sale of the Tiny Bird Art will go directly to Friends of Sax-Zim Bog’s mission to Preserve, Promote & Protect the Sax-Zim Bog for future generations of birds and birders. Thank you!
HOW?: You create an original piece of bird art (Any medium EXCEPT PHOTOGRAPHY) that measures 6×6” or smaller (NO EXCEPTIONS)(8×8 including the matte or frame). If you have questions, please email Sparky at sparky@saxzim.org.
WHAT?: All we ask is that the artist create an original piece of bird art… It should be a species that is found in northern Minnesota, but we are flexible. Art does not need to be framed…But it may fetch a higher price if it is. UNMATTED ART on paper generally does not sell. Please at least matte art on paper. **ANY MEDIUM IS OKAY! …Oils, Watercolor, Pencil, collage, whatever! ***Any art that does not meet the above criteria will not be eligible for the Tiny Bird Art auction remains the property of FOSZB to be sold at an in-person fundraiser in the future.
WHEN?: As soon as possible! But we are flexible. Please get to us by no later than January 10, 2022…but, as I said, sooner is great! But remember, the earlier you get us your art, the longer it will be on online display for the public.
WHERE?: Mail art to “FOSZB, c/o Lori Williams, 617 Irving Place, Duluth, MN 55812”INCLUDE?: artwork plus your contact info including mailing address, email and website. An artist’s statement to show online is also helpful.This has been a very successful fundraiser for us. Thank you in advance!
Submit your ORIGINAL boreal bird art before Jan. 10, 2021! Silent Auction runs from Jan 27 to Jan 30, 2022. Please note: Max size 6×6 inches (No Exceptions!). Only birds as subjects. No photography.

Over the last 9 years, there has been a BioBlitz in the Sax-Zim Bog. Our BioBlitz events bring together experts, novices, outdoor enthusiasts, and those hoping to learn a little more about the biodiversity in the Sax-Zim Bog. Looking back, our first BioBlitz attracted more field trip leaders than participants! Recently, however, we routinely have 10-12 field trip leaders with somewhere around 50-60 participants!
For those not familiar with a bioblitz, the goal is to document as many species in one place in one day! Our BioBlitzes also include a major learning component to help teach and inspire naturalists of all ages and interest levels. This year we will be holding the 10th Annual Sax-Zim Bog BioBlitz on August 6! Excitingly, we will be changing things up a little! For one, a name change: Sax-Zim Bog Biodiversity Day! There will still be expert lead field trips, a chance to learn about and experience the biodiversity of the Sax-Zim Bog, but over the course of a longer day! Because it will be the 10th biodiversity event, we hope to be able to bring in some experts on topics not yet covered during our previous bioblitz field trips.
Next August is still months away, but it is still exciting to think about the Sax-Zim Bog Biodiversity Day!! If you have never joined us for a bioblitz, the 10th annual shouldn’t be missed!
Your donations before and during Give to the Max Day help support our goals of preserving biodiversity in the Sax-Zim Bog, the same biodiversity we get to experience on every bioblitz! You can find links to donate here: https://www.givemn.org/organization/Foszb and here: https://saxzim.org/give-to-the-max-day/

I joked to Rubin on our Board who made this wonderful new owl aerie, that when I first went to see the new home for the FREE Auggie’s Owls at the end of Auggie’s Bogwalk at Fringed Gentian Bog all I found were scratched up shelves… “Why were the shelves scratched?” he asked concerned. I answered, “Because every time someone came to take their gratis little carved owl, the owl would dig its tiny talons in because it didn’t want to leave its beautiful and cozy new owl coop!
But seriously, if you haven’t yet walked Auggie’s Bogwalk, or any of our other bog boardwalks, think about making the trek on your next visit. These owls are carved by the Great Grandfather of Auggie who passed away as an infant. It is a tribute and memorial to a young life. Please take one and give it a prominent place in your home. Thank you.
You can schedule your Give to the Max Day gift NOW! Every dollar helps us in our mission to Preserve & Protect the Greater Sax-Zim Bog for future generations of birds and birders. Links here: https://www.givemn.org/organization/Foszb and here: https://saxzim.org/give-to-the-max-day/

Go on a warbler field trip with Warren Woessner and his wife Iris Freeman who both gave so generously to fund the construction of the bog boardwalk at the Warren Nelson Memorial Bog.
In the short video (link below) we find some cool warblers, and Warren and Iris share why supporting Friends of Sax-Zim Bog is important to them. If you’ve only come to the Bog in winter, maybe try a late spring or early summer trip next year. The birding can be difficult but just the dawn chorus of bird song is worth the price of admission (wait! …there is NO price of admission!). About 20 species of warblers breed in Sax-Zim, and through our Owls & Warblers Critical Corridor project we have been acquiring land to give them their “forever home.
VIDEO LINK: https://www.facebook.com/FOSZB/videos/366485148603617
You can schedule your Give to the Max Day gift NOW! Every dollar helps us in our mission to Preserve & Protect the Greater Sax-Zim Bog for future generations of birds and birders. Links here: https://www.givemn.org/organization/Foszb and here: https://saxzim.org/give-to-the-max-day/

Are you interested in supporting ground-breaking research on one of the most poorly understood species in North America? Friends of Sax-Zim Bog’s Hawk Owl Tracking project will help solve some of the mysteries of this enigmatic and engaging owl species! University of Minnesota Duluth graduate student Hannah Toutonghi is focusing on the winter ecology of Northern Hawk Owls. Friends of Sax-Zim Bog is helping to fund this important research. Hannah is the lead researcher and working in collaboration with Frank Nicoletti and Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory. The winter range and overall movements of this species is a big mystery, and this project will gather valuable data on hawk owls that will be used to better understand and conserve this enigmatic species of the boreal forest. We don’t know if the Northern Hawk Owls we see in winter in Sax-Zim breed in Alaska or Manitoba or far northern Minnesota (or in Sax-Zim!) but we want to find out. And this research project will help us find the answer. Satellite and Cellular trackers will be placed on several Hawk Owls in Sax-Zim this winter. We will then be able to track their movements on a daily basis.
Your gift on November 18th’s Give to the Max Day will enable our Science & Research Fund to continue to try and untangle the avian mysteries of our boreal birds. Thank you!You can schedule your Give to the Max Day gift NOW! Every dollar helps us in our mission to Preserve & Protect the Greater Sax-Zim Bog for future generations of birds and birders. Links here: https://www.givemn.org/organization/Foszb and here: https://saxzim.org/give-to-the-max-day/

By now, many of you are familiar with our on going American Kestrel Nest Box Project! This project has been one of the longest running research efforts in the Sax-Zim Bog and we are happy to be supporting this wonderful raptors. We continue to learn more each year about these birds. If you want to learn more about this project, check out our full list of updates from the Bog Blog here: https://saxzim.org/monitoring-updates/.
As we look forward to next season, there should be a few updates on the project! Perhaps we will learn a little more about where the American Kestrels with transmitters have gone, maybe we will be adding a few new boxes to the landscape, or the research scope of this project might grow… who knows!
You can schedule your Give to the Max Day gift NOW! Every dollar helps us to address our mission, which includes funding and supporting research in the Sax-Zim Bog! Donations can be made from now until November 18th through links here: https://www.givemn.org/organization/Foszb and here: https://saxzim.org/give-to-the-max-day/

Do you live on the other side of the globe, but want to experience the Bog? Have you wanted to attend a field trip, but have not been able to do so? Not to fear! During the pandemic, our education and outreach has migrated far and wide this past year with the addition of online programming. Our virtual education and outreach, through 32 videos and 14 webinars, hopefully has given you an opportunity to view the Sax-Zim Bog in a different way. Our videos have been viewed by nearly 60,000 folks! There are more videos coming up and we are working on publishing older webinars to be viewed whenever! If you are just now learning of our virtual education, we have organized all of our education videos on our website! Follow this link to learn more: https://saxzim.org/videos-of-sax-zim/.
You can donate toward our Give to the Max Campaign now until Give to the Max Day on November 18th! Did you know many employers match donations to charities? Last year we received over $5,000 in matching grants from employers. Check in with your employer to see if this might be an option and you can double your gift today! You can donate here: https://www.givemn.org/organization/Foszb and here: https://saxzim.org/give-to-the-max-day/.

Yesterday, November 4, Duluth birder/photographer Mark Mathison made a historic discovery along Admiral Road in Sax Zim. He photographed this male Spruce Grouse! There has not been a confirmed record of Spruce Grouse in Sax-Zim since the 1960s (!!) when local hunters regularly saw them. Way to go Mark! And even more exciting is it the fact that it was seen on land that will soon be protected by Friends of Sax-Zim Bog, so the habitat can be the home to future generations of Spruce Grouse. Let’s hope he finds a mate!
Currently we have protected 524 acres of land which are a sanctuary for many boreal species. Not just birds but mammals, Insects, reptiles, amphibians, flora and more! Donations made during Give to the Max Day go toward our mission, which includes preserving bog lands via our Acres for Owls Land Fund and our Owls and Warblers Critical Corridor project. Donations can be made to our Give to the Max campaign anytime between now and November 18th here: https://www.givemn.org/organization/Foszb and here: https://saxzim.org/give-to-the-max-day/.Copyrighted Spruce Grouse photo by Mark Mathison

Education in the Sax-Zim Bog is not just limited to adult learners or just those able to attend programs on weekends! Over the years, and across the seasons, we have had kids attend programs, field trips, and even BioBlitzes with their parents. It has been great to have time outside and in the bog with school groups from Cherry School, Iowa Young Birders, Harbor City International School, and the Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa!As an educator, school group visits are my favorites. Their groups are much different than groups of adult learners.
Often, school groups offer a distinct perspective to this place, with unique questions and observations. It is not easy to make time to get a school group to the Sax-Zim Bog, whether that is due to lack of time or funding for field trips. We also acknowledge that the Sax-Zim Bog is not an easy place to get to for school groups and we have a way to make that easier moving forward. With help from our Good Neighbor Grant, there is funding available for bus travel for school groups! We are always looking to expand education to school groups in our region and beyond. Contact Head Naturalist Clinton at naturalist@saxzim.org with any questions about school group visits!
Donations made during Give to the Max Day go toward our mission, which includes education and outreach to groups of all ages and abilities! Donations can be made to our Give to the Max campaign anytime between now and November 18th here: https://www.givemn.org/organization/Foszb and here: https://saxzim.org/give-to-the-max-day/.

We know you all LOVE our existing boardwalks that get us “into the cathedral” of a mature Black Spruce/Tamarack bog. It is a magical experience in ALL seasons! Over 2,700 of you walked it last winter! This October we added a short spur off the Bob Russell Bogwalk (still need some tamarack decking to complete) AND hope to add another longer boardwalk next summer. Stay tuned! Your generous donations help us get visitors off the road and into our precious bog forests.
You can schedule your Give to the Max Day gift NOW! Every dollar helps us in our mission to Preserve & Protect the Greater Sax-Zim Bog for future generations of birds and birders.
Links here: https://www.givemn.org/organization/Foszb and here: https://saxzim.org/give-to-the-max-day/

Well….thanks to all of you who donate to our Research and Science Fund we may know shortly. Biologist Abbie Valine, with the help of Hawk Ridge Master Bander Frank Nicoletti, was able capture and put geolocators on TEN Northern Shrikes in Sax-Zim last winter. She will need to recapture these same shrikes this winter to access the data and see where their little songbird wings have taken them. Northern Shrikes breed in the taiga of northern Canada, but do “our shrikes” come from west of Hudson Bay? or east of Hudson Bay? We may know soon! And we’ll let all of you know as soon as Abbie knows.
You can schedule your Give to the Max Day gift NOW! Every dollar helps us in our mission to Preserve & Protect the Greater Sax-Zim Bog for future generations of birds and birders. Links here: https://www.givemn.org/organization/Foszb and here: https://saxzim.org/give-to-the-max-day/

**Day 1– HAWKS & EAGLES & OWLS, OH MY!**
It is November, which means Give to the Max Day is right around the corner! Leading up to the big day, we will be taking you on a deep dive into what is happening in the Sax-Zim Bog! This year is all about Research and Education and our first post considers Winter Raptor Surveys!
Winter Raptor Surveys have been running in the Sax-Zim Bog since the winter of 2015-16. These surveys seek out and document raptors (including some owl species, Northern Shrike) and the habitats that they use during the non-breeding season. There are only 2 Winter Raptor Survey Routes active in Minnesota, with 75 active routes across the US and Canada in partnership with Hawk Migration Association of North America (HMANA). The data collected from this citizen science effort gets uploaded to HMANA and shared with raptor researchers in the US and beyond. For more on HMANA or the Winter Raptor Surveys across the US check out these links: https://www.hmana.org/winter-raptor-survey/ and here: https://wrs.hmana.org/public_html/index.php.
The survey route in the Sax-Zim Bog is 100 miles in length, starting at the bottom edge of the Sax-Zim Bog Important Bird Area and snaking through the landscape to the north end of the bog and ending on Lake Nichols Road. There are 3-4 surveys done per year, with one each month. Our surveys have documented 9 raptor species, though, a typical survey only documents a handful of individuals considering 2-3 species. Rough-legged Hawk, Bald Eagle, and Northern Shrike are seen on almost every survey. Our most exciting survey to date was November 25, 2019 when we documented 51 total raptors (including an incredible 31 Rough-legged Hawks)! November of 2019 was an unprecedented year for Rough-legged Hawks in the Bog, with Head Naturalist Clinton counting over 75 Rough-legged Hawks during the course of one day. No single month has been that productive since!
We hope you enjoy our posts during 18 Days in the Bog! Tune in each day for new stories and in the meantime, you can donate toward our Give to the Max Campaign now until Give to the Max Day on November 18th! You can donate here: https://www.givemn.org/organization/Foszb. Thank you to all of our Bog Buddies for the continued support! More information included in the photos below.

NOV 1 – 18
Minnesota’s Give to the Max Day is Thursday, Nov 18th, a day to support nonprofit organizations around the state. Leading up to the big day, we want to give back to YOU with a bird’s eye view of all that’s happening in Sax Zim Bog. Featuring behind the scenes research, new trails, major projects, and a secret recipe. Tune in each day for new stories!
To support the work we do, you can give your gift anytime at GiveMN.org, via saxzim.org, or by check to PO Box 3585 Duluth, MN 55803.
Thank you for being a Bog Buddy!