This “cathedral” bog features a dense stand of Black Spruce, with intermixed Tamaracks, Indian Pipe, Heart-leaved Twayblade, Pink Ladyslipper, Goldthread, Canada Jay, Boreal Chickadee, Winter Wren, warblers, and more. Purchased in 2016 with a generous gift from Sue and Bruce Henke, this bog features it’s namesake, Indian Pipe, (Monotropa uniflora) which is an interesting plant that lacks chlorophyll and can grow in dark stands of forest. Indian Pipe Bog borders Murphy Road on the east side from 1/4 to 1/2 mile north of Arkola/CR52. The property is north of Winterberry Bog and about 2 miles east of Yellow-bellied Bog.
Trail Length:
0.36 miles
Activities at this tract:
Snowshoeing, hiking, birding, photography, botanizing
Caution: To enter trailhead, you must cross a very deep ditch! Plan accordingly and do not pull too far off Murphy Road to park.

Address- 9158 Murphy Road, Cotton, MN
Trailhead– 47.172713, -92.536344
From Hwy53/Cotton: Head west from Cotton on Arkola Rd/CR52. Turn right (north) on Murphy Road. Head north on Murphy road for 0.27 mi. The trail head will be across the ditch to your right.
From Welcome Center: Head north on Owl Avenue. Turn right (east) on Arkola Rd/CR52. Head east on Arkola Road. About 3 mi east of Hwy 7 turn left (north) onto Murphy Road. Head north on Murphy road for 0.27 mi. The trail head will be across the ditch to your right.
Must park on the side of Murphy Road (Don’t pull over too far as this is a very deep ditch!)